Our next sub1000 event is 16th and 17th November 2022!
We'll be talking about inclusive recruitment, and attracting talent. View the line up and register here.

how to challenge your organisation to recruit more inclusively.

16.11.2022 11:00 AM
Hend Halim
Global Employee Experience Manager, Nash Squared
Raphael Frascogna
Group Head of Talent Acquisition, Content+Cloud
Baljit Kaur
Diversity & Inclusion specialist, Innate Consultancy

It’s not easy to gather support for new projects. There is likely a wide range of views in your organisation as to how you should be tackling issues around DE&I.

This discussion will focus on how to build a consensus of support around the key recruitment DE&I objectives.

Our panel have direct experience of working for and with organisations who have faced and overcome these issues.

Go back to November talks

looking for the notes to this talk?

other talks from the event.

the 7 habits of a highly effective recruiter.

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how recruitment data can help you make better decisions and where to start with recruitment analytics.

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how a good employer story helps you attract top talent – recruiter roundtable discussion.

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