Our next sub1000 event is 16th and 17th November 2022!
We'll be talking about inclusive recruitment, and attracting talent. View the line up and register here.

how to build a fair selection & interview process – recruiter roundtable discussion.

Heather Paterson
Recruitment Advisor at Hymans Robertson
Hannah Litt
Head of Resourcing and Inclusion at Motorpoint
Catherine Mayo
Resourcing Manager at Solicitors Regulation Authority


Our panel discuss how we can build diversity and inclusion into our recruitment processes, ensuring that all candidates can access and apply to vacancies.

go back to March talks

looking for the notes to this talk?

other talks from the event.

Glassdoor: irritation or revelation? — recruiter roundtable discussion.

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how authentic recruitment experiences translate to great employee experiences.

Take me there

how to engage in-demand candidates in the most competitive recruitment environment ever — recruiter roundtable discussion.

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