Our next sub1000 event is 16th and 17th November 2022!
We'll be talking about inclusive recruitment, and attracting talent. View the line up and register here.

beyond the basic salary: how to attract talent without just throwing money at them.

17.11.2022 12:00 PM
Oscar Machado
Head of Talent Acquisition, LoveHolidays
Tiffany Smith
Head of Talent Acquisition, Gardiner Bros
Lauren Sears
Talent Acquisition, Wushu

Rising inflation and the cost of living crisis has made salary front of mind for employees. But what do you do if you are limited in your salary flexibility. What can your organisation be doing beyond salary to both attract and retain the talent you need to grow?

Our panel, has recruited in some of the most challenging sectors competing for the most in-demand talent. They will be sharing their experiences and offering their opinions to help ensure you are well positioned to attract the talent you need to grow.

Go back to November talks

looking for the notes to this talk?

other talks from the event.

the 7 habits of a highly effective recruiter.

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how recruitment data can help you make better decisions and where to start with recruitment analytics.

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how a good employer story helps you attract top talent – recruiter roundtable discussion.

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